There are Angels among us….named Joel and Tim.
With our Suburban in the shop, winter storms throughout the state, and scheduled appointments we could not miss with Braydens team in Denver, we were gifted such a blessing.
Joel dropped his kids at school in Boulder, and flew his personal airplane to pick us up and give us a lift. His kindness radiated through everything he did, from personally carrying our luggage to letting Brayden be his co pilot for take off… literally. In a time full of anxiety and stress, he gave us a magical experience and beautiful memory.
On the way home, a Durango local pilot Tim signed up for pick up. He went out of his way to accommodate our desire to make it home in time to see Wesley’s Christmas program. Brayden was exhausted after our 2 day appt. Sprint. Tim welcomed us and made us so comfortable that Brayden was out before the wheels left the runway and still out when they hit the ground. Over in flight conversation, we learned that Tim spent time at home trying to learn about Braydens condition. The personal care and compassion is unrivaled.
Thank you God, for sharing your Angels with us…what a trip to remember.